Our Andean Projects

The Andes Immersion Family’s health and educational projects

Over the last 17 years, we have forged friendships with people from around the world. Among them, we know professionals in the health sector who know about our projects and wish to be part of our team. They want to join in our efforts, supporting us in medical campaigns for small Andean communities by offering consultations and even dental interventions.

“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” – Oprah Winfrey

The Andes Immersion family is passionate about supporting the education of children from the Andes and the Amazon Jungle. “A house for Andean students” It is our hope that as learning environments improve, so do the chances for successful, happy lives!

Andes Immersion family recognizes that in many of our Andean communities in remote rural locations, severe economic disadvantages can block access to even the most basic of educational resources. It is a monumental challenge for local families to educate children, especially after secondary school.  Most of the students’ families face financial hardships and a lack of basic supplies when trying to send their kids to big-town schools. The accommodations that they can afford are often inadequate, ill-equipped or in disrepair. We believe that education is the most essential component of a child’s journey to a successful, thriving adult life. Andes Immersion Family’s mission is to support dedicated students who want continue with their education.

Andes Immersion family owns two small properties in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. Our efforts will focus primarily on building permanent houses that can be utilized year after year by students from the poorest communities in the Andes and Amazon. We hope to install proper facilities including water tanks, kitchens, bedrooms, and study rooms. By investing in things that stand the test of time, we hope to ensure long-term improvements in quality of life for students who attend area schools long into the future.