Booking Terms and Conditions


Please read through these TERMS AND CONDITIONS, you will be asked to sign them at Pre-departure briefing.

  • Legal name: ANDESIMMERSION E.I.R.L
  • RUC: 20610005994
  • Address: Urb. Manuel Prado, Jr. Sacsayhuaman H7B.  Cusco 08003
  • CEO – Founder: Alex Augusto Herhuay Porcel


A permit cannot be obtained without information of the passport holder as permits are individualized with passport details so that they cannot be transferred to another passenger. If digits are incorrect in the passport details or the name does not match that indicated in the passport you risk being refused entrance at Machupicchu with no refund or chance to transfer dates.

If for any reason you organize a NEW PASSPORT after we have purchased your permits,… you must bring with  youthe original old passport along with your new passport on the trail or a clear copy.  If not, the control will refuse your entrance.


Some of ANDES IMMERSION E.I.R.L. itineraries have been designed to provide participants with an exposure to the true nature of the environment visited. They therefore involve an element of personal risk and exposure to potential, which could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to the client, his/her property or to third parties. The client understands that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity and therefore assumes them as part of the tour. The client accepts that he/she is aware of his physical and health condition and that, under the knowledge of this he/she decides to undertake the above-mentioned risks. The client excludes ANDES IMMERSION E.I.R.L. from any responsibility linked to any accident or injury that may occur associated to the clients’ health, physical condition or other. You must advise ANDES IMMERSION E.I.R.L. of any medical problems or allergies. You need to be in good physical health and if your health is questionable, then you should consult a doctor. If you are over the age of 60 years old, then you will need to present us with a current medical certificate.


The itinerary is subject to change. Peru is still a developing country and as such we cannot guarantee everything will run as planned. Forces outside of our control may force us to change the itinerary. Strikes, road-blocks, landslides, cancellations of flights and trains and many other things all happen from time to time and there is nothing we can do to change that. We accept no liability for these but promise we will do our best to alter plans so that your trip runs as smoothly as possible. Think of it as part of the adventure.


Please ensure you have adequate travel insurance to cope with any medical emergencies, any costs incurred due to delayed or cancelled flights and for loss or delay of baggage.  A travel insurance for Machu Picchu treks or hikes is a must. In fact, most tour operators will require you to have ‘adequate’ cover. But what does adequate mean? What it doesn’t mean is standard travel insurance, as these policies don’t cut it at ‘high altitude’.

People visiting Peru can buy travel health plans to protect themselves and their traveling companions from large out-of-pocket expenses due to unforeseen injury or illness. Although health concerns are the primary reason people purchase trip insurance for Peru. we recommend World Nomads™ – Travel Insurance Peru


From time to time service providers in Peru increase their prices with very little notice. In the case of flights, train fares and entrance fees to Machu Picchu and other sites we cannot accept responsibility for the increase and will have to pass it on to you the client. Any other price increase will be absorbed by us.


According to the Resolution #002-2004-UGM-CD, published on Nov 12, 2004, the Inca Trail Regulation that refers to Inca Trail space bookings, bookings will only be guaranteed by the governmental institutions when providing full names, nationalities and passport numbers of passengers, and when having paid the full amount for passengers and staff (cook and team of porters) entrance fees.

In order to obtain tickets for; Machupicchu entrance fees, Huaynapicchu tickets and train tickets we require a trek deposit of the 50% of total cost confirming your tour booking then you will get more information with the final balance that must be paid one month before departure date.


The booking fee of 30% total cost is non-refundable

The outstanding balance must be paid ONE MONTH before departure date. Failure to do so will result in loss of deposit and booking.

Any cancellations will be subject to a cancellation fee dependent on how many days’ notice is given:

  • 30 – 15 days – 50%
  • 14 -8 days – 70%
  • 0-7 days – 100%